
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Homeless to Howard: James Ward Raises Money Online to Attend College

James Ward

Place of Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.

Why He’s a Game Changer: Ward, whose family faced homelessness, was able to crowd source the $12,000 he needed to attend Howard University this fall.

Ward, 19, and his family have dealt with homelessness for four years, bouncing between shelters and the street in L.A.’s Skid Row. Jessica Sutherland, (pictured with Ward below) a digital media producer who had also been homeless as a child, found out that Ward had been accepted to Howard and had received scholarships but still need $12,000 to cover costs for a full year.
A tightening of the guidelines to Parent PLUS loans have hurt students at many historically black colleges and universities. Ward’s loan was denied three weeks before he was set to leave for Howard. Continue reading...