
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I Met My Guy Through A Friend But I Don’t Seem To Understand What He Is Up To!

This is from a NEB Reader:

I have been dating this guy for a year and 4 months now. He's 35 and I am 25. No doubt he’s caring and nice but the truth is, we've never met before. He was introduced to me by a friend. For the past 16 months things have been going smoothly. He planned coming home last Xmas but couldn't make it due to work issues. He wasn't given vacation permit. My family and his are aware of the relationship.What we are waiting for, is for him to come home.

To cut the long story short,my problem and fear are these: He has never used the word Love to me. He says he will use it whenever we see. Secondly,each time we have an issue, I am always the one calling his attention. What he does is to ignore me. No effort to know what the problem is and I try to resolve it. I see myself fighting to keep this relationship,no effort on his part. I don’t want to be that person. Presently,we are having issues and for two weeks he hasn’t called. I tried calling and texting but to no avail. I don’t know what to do. In as much as I appreciate him.I don’t wanna look desperate. I need your candid advice.

1 comment:

  1. " Presently,we are
    having issues and for two weeks he hasn’t called. I tried
    calling and texting but to no avail."

    That's a sign girl, run away and forget about him.
